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Website Builder

Content Tools

Build Stunning Websites in 2 mins!

The world's first professional AI website builder - build a professional website with just one command.

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Website Builder Demo
AI-Powered Generation

Transform your ideas into reality with our AI builder. Just describe what you want, and watch as your website comes to life instantly.

Modern Tech Stack

Built on NextJS for lightning-fast performance. Get clean, production-ready code that developers will love.

Visual Editor

Make instant changes without any coding knowledge. Edit content, images, and layouts through our intuitive visual interface.

Getting Started

Simply describe your vision for your website, and our AI will generate a complete, professional website based on your requirements. You can then customize it using our visual editor - no coding knowledge needed.

We offer three plans: Basic (3 websites with temporary links, 1 custom domain), Pro (10 websites, 3 custom domains), and Enterprise (25 websites, 7 custom domains). Enterprise plan includes full source code access.

Yes! All plans include the ability to connect custom domains. Basic plan supports 1 custom domain, Pro plan supports 3 domains, and Enterprise plan supports up to 7 custom domains.

No technical knowledge is required. Our AI-powered platform and visual editor make it easy for anyone to create and manage their website. However, Enterprise users who want to customize the code will need development experience.

The AI generates your initial website in just 2 minutes. After that, you can make unlimited adjustments through our visual editor to perfect your site exactly how you want it.

Features & Customization

Yes! You can make unlimited changes to your website through our visual editor. Edit text, images, layouts, and content whenever you want without any coding required.

Source code access is available exclusively with our Enterprise plan. The code is built on Next.js and follows modern development practices, making it easy to extend and customize.

All plans include AI website generation, visual editing, responsive design, and basic SEO tools. Pro adds advanced analytics and WhatsApp integration. Enterprise includes everything plus source code access, API access, and priority support.

Yes! Our platform includes a built-in blog management system. You can easily create, edit, and manage blog posts through our visual editor. The blog feature helps improve your SEO and engage with your audience.

Yes, you can create beautiful photo galleries on your website. Our gallery feature includes optimization for images, responsive layouts, and various display options to showcase your photos professionally.

E-commerce functionality is currently in development and will be available soon. We'll notify all users when the online store feature is ready to use.

Technical & Support

Our platform generates websites using Next.js, React, and modern web technologies. This ensures optimal performance, SEO-friendliness, and future-proof scalability.

Yes, all plans include secure hosting with 99.9% uptime guarantee, SSL certificates, and DDoS protection. Your website's data is automatically backed up and distributed across multiple secure locations.

Enterprise plan users receive full source code access and can deploy their websites to any hosting platform that supports Next.js. Basic and Pro plans are hosted exclusively on our platform.

Our support team is available through the chat widget in the bottom right corner of your screen during business hours. We're here to help with any questions or issues you might have.

We provide SSL certificates, regular security updates, DDoS protection, and data backups. All websites are monitored 24/7 for any security issues, and we follow industry best practices for web security.

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